How to Find the Right Dance Photographer

How to Find the Right Dance Photographer

How to Find the right Dance Photographer Dance photography is a challenging but rewarding genre of photography. It requires a good understanding of both dance and photography in order to capture the beauty and grace of movement. If you’re looking for a...

Professional Work Outfits with a Sexy Feel

Professional work outfits with a sexy feel Wants to appear glamourous at work, and we have some pointers for you. These tips will have you well on your way to incorporating boudoir elements into your everyday outfits. Skirt suits A slimming skirt suit looks amazing on...
Complimentary Headshot Session

Complimentary Headshot Session

When you book a boudoir session with me, it comes with a complimentary headshot session(another $350 when booked separately or you have to pay for your own hair&makeup if come back another time). One stone two birds, you don’t want to miss it! It’s not something...